Официальный партнер Petrokraft AB, Siemens, Maxon International B.V.B.A. и RAY International
головной офис
192019, Россия, С.-Петербург,
ул.Седова д.11, лит.А,оф.219
8-800-444-19-53 (тел.) бесплатно
+7 (812) 64-444-64 (тел.) многоканальный
+7 (812) 644-44-65 (тел.)
+7 (812) 644-44-66 (тел.)
+7 (812) 644-44-67 (тел.)
+7 (812) 644-44-68 (факс)
Отдел продаж
+7(812)644-44-66 (тел.)
доб. 106, 107, 108
Производственный комплекс
192177, Ленинградская обл,
г.п.Дубровка, ул.Советская д.1
+7 (812) 644-44-65 многоканальный
офис в центральном регионе
141002, Россия, Московская
область, г. Мытищи,
Шараповская ул., д.1, офис 25
+7 (926) 029-25-82 (тел.)
+7 (495) 502-70-50 (тел.)
+7 (495) 502-70-40 (факс)
Nord Kraft company is the official distributor of Petrokraft AB, Siemens BT, Ray International and Maxon International in Russia.
Nord Kraft Ltd was organized in 2004 by the founders that were bound up with the team-work in the sphere of heat-and-power engineering and workflow automation. At present company has existing professional collective that combines engineering experience and knowledge of modern high-technology equipment. The senior staff has been taught abroad on the manufactures of boiler-furnace and combustion equipment. All above mentioned allows the company to work successfully either with the central heating projects or in the sphere of autonomous heat-supply. Nord Kraft Ltd is a member of St.Petersburg Gas Club (Russia);the official partner of Max Weishaupt GmbH, Oylon OY, Siemens; the appointed distributor in Nord-Western region of Russia of Petrokraft AB (Sweden), Siemens BT, Ray International and Maxon International B.V.B.A. (Belgium). The company has durable professional contacts with suppliers of foreign and home equipment and with partners in the sphere of construction. We have earned our reputation based on honesty, reliability and a high standard of work – we work for both domestic and foreign clients. The company executes full complex of work solving any problem that includes: - Contract paper work
- Collection of the initial data on the project
- Preproject preparation
- Designing
- Water treatment
- Submitting the project for endorsement and appraisal
- Materials and equipment supply
- Commisioning
- Delivery of the project
- Putting the project into operation
- Industrial training (seminars and practical training)
- Maintenance service
Nord Kraft Ltd, being the appointed distributor of Petrokraft AB that develops and supplies burners, combustion equipment and SNCR systems, offers a range of environmentally friendly, high quality products that have low maintenance and operating costs. Our vast experience and technical know-how always assist in increasing our customers' profitability. For the last years the following companies have joined our client list: - Nokian Tyres Ltd (Vsevolozhsk, Russia)
- Nissan Manufacturing Rus LLC (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Ford Motor Company JSC (Vsevolozhsk, Russia)
- Philip Morris Izhora (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Russian Standart Vodka (Moscow, Russia)
- British American Tobacco (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- MUP Thermal Networks (Gatchina, Russia)/Teplovye Seti (Gatchina, Russia)
- QuatroServices Ltd (Finland)
- Energotehmontazh JSC (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Moven JSC (Moscow, Russia)
- FGUP Goznak (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Arctic (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Brewing company "Baltic" (Khabarovsk, Russia)
- Nitrogen (Cherepovezk, Russia)/Azot (Cherepovezk, Russia)
- Vsevologsky Factory of Aluminium Alloys (St. Petersburg, Russia)/VZAS (St. Petrsburg, Russia)
- Pskov Thermal Networks (Pskov, Russia)/Pskovskie Teplovye Seti (Pskov, Russia)
- Mytishchinsky Heating system (Moscow region, Mytischi, Russia)/Mytishchinsky Teploset (Moscow region, Mytischi, Russia))
- SSK (Gatchina, Russia)
- Aerock (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Transresource (Moscow, Russia)
- Nevareactant (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Lentransgas (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Neva Thresholds (St. Petersburg, Russia)/Nevskie Porogi (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Siberia's-Ural's Aluminium Company (Volgograd, Russia)
- Stroyinvest Komi (Uhta, Russia)
- Rent-Service (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Tsentrgasservice-SPb (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- NPO CKTI (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- GOUTP Teckos (Murmansk, Russia)
- GUP MO RF Osinoroshchinsky KECh (Aspen grove, Russia)
- BAT-SPb JSC (Olgino, Russia)
- Special Paper&Carton (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
- Aller Petfood (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Hlebny Dom (St. Petersburg, Russia)/Grain House (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Thermal Networks (St. Petersburg, Russia)/Teplovye Seti (St.Petersburg, Russia)
- Neva Cosmetics (St. Petersburg, Russia)/Nevskaya Cosmetika (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- Ziosab-Dedal (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- GTS (St. Petersburg, Russia)
- UniMilk (St. Petersburg, Russia)
and central heating companies of Murmansk (Russia), Pskov (Russia), Gatchina (Russia), Voskresensk (Russia), Mytischi (Russia). Nord Kraft Ltd, being fast-developing company of the Northwestern Russia, is looking forward to the new partners and new markets.
Курсы валют:
1 EUR = 106.1 руб.
1 USD = 101.68 руб.
10 SEK = 44.92 руб.
Ваш личный номер: 715116
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